Peer-Editing, Connections, and Visualizing!

For those of you following our homework blog, you know that our students have been busy with our class novel! We have now met and have come to know Zachariah, Captain Jaggery, and some of the other sailors!

Students are now focusing on writing connections in a clear and sophisticated manner. These connections can be to their own experiences, other texts or movies, or real-world events.

Our students are also learning to peer-edit. This will help them reflect on their own work more critically, and make improvements to their own drafts!

In reading buddies, we are working on creating a book of VISUALIZATIONS based off of some of Roald Dahl's silly poems! Visualization is a great tool to enhance reading comprehension. Take a look at the example from Ms Berman and I, after reading the poem, "WARNING".

The students could tell by our descriptions of what we had visualized when reading the poem the previous week, which drawing belonged to which teacher! Great work!